Friday, March 29, 2013


I found this article on paranormal news central. Looks like some good ideas for birthday or christmas lol.

Top 10 Weird Paranormal Products
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have in your possession an item of great power? For centuries, mankind has been searching for rare relics of unknown origin that may hold powers beyond belief. What would happen if you came across one of these relics; what would you do with it? There are some strange things out there, but none can be stranger than the following products. Some of these products may work, but most of them probably don't, otherwise everyone would be using them to their advantage. Whatever the case may be, please don't be offended by any of the comments as they are just for entertainment purposes only.

10. Crystal Skulls/Balls

Usually made up of quartz-like material, crystal balls or skulls have mystified humans for ages. Both are known to be connected to the paranormal in some way or another and may even assist in contact with the dead. Many fictional movies are based on the reports of people using these strange items. If you have one of these and you're wondering why it doesn't work, then maybe you should try the next item on our list for guaranteed results! Otherwise, you can purchase both crystal skulls and crystal balls online through various vendors or even E-bay.

9. Magic 8-Ball

A popular toy in the 90s, the Magic 8-Ball did some amazing things for what it cost. Along with wasting your money, the magic ball could answer questions you already know the answer to, predict things that would never happen, and even give you answers to questions you never asked. Confusing? Yes. Magical? Don't think so. You might be wondering why I've included this in the list, and all I can say is "Reply Hazy, Please Try Again."
The Magic 8-Ball would become so popular however, that many versions of the fortune telling toy would be created. Some examples are:
Affirmation Ball (A yellow ball with a smiley face on it that gives twenty random affirmations to the user, such as "You look marvelous" or "Your breath is so minty".)
Sarcasm Ball (The antithesis of the Affirmation Ball, this one provides answers such as "Do I Look Like I Care?" and "Yeah, Right".)
Hannah Montana 8-Ball (Baby blue in color. Based on the Disney live action TV show and pop singer Hannah Montana. Example of answers: "The fans say yes", "I've Got Nerve and I say no", "Sweet Niblets No", and "You got it, Bud.")

8. Miracle Spring Water

Peter Popoff (self-proclaimed miracle healer who was exposed as a fraud) is giving out little packets of tap water he blessed himself as long as you donate money to him. By consuming the miracle water, users supposedly can expect to receive large sums of money in the mail and be cured of cancer. You may be asking yourself where you can sign up for your "free" miracle water. By staying up late at night, you may be able to catch one of his infomercials advertising the magical H2O on TV.

7. Miracle Manna

From the makers of Miracle Spring Water comes Miracle Manna. Not only is it just as ineffective as Miracle Spring Water, but it tastes just like stale crackers. Those who sign up can expect to be bombarded constantly by Peter Popkoff bills for donations. The release of these types of products has spurred many copycat televangelists to release their own miracle product lines with items such as the "Miracle Handkerchief."

6. Haunted Dolls

Unlike Chucky who is guaranteed to grab the closest kitchen knife and shank you, these dolls are just plain wicked. Not only do they look scary, but some people report that they actually move and can even cause some strange paranormal activity. Haunted dolls are based on the theory that a soul of a person resides within the doll. Certain dolls such as "Robert the Doll," have even inspired the making of top Hollywood movies such as the Chucky series. You can purchase haunted dolls through various online vendors and even e-bay.

5. Mind Control Protection Helmet

Tired of getting abducted all the time? Well, the Mind Control Protection Helmet will prevent any extraterrestrials from reading you mind and controlling you (until they take it off of course). The helmets are specially designed to resist telepathic messages from getting to your brain which in turn reduce your chance of getting abducted. There are many versions of the helmet mostly made up of various household materials, and if you look online, you can even purchase some handmade ones or find instructions to make your own. You can find instructions at (

4. Vampire Kit

Want to take your vampire hunting a little more seriously? Then maybe you need a kit like this one from the 1800s which comes with stakes, mirrors, a gun w/silver bullets, a Bible, holy water, candles, and garlic. This one sold for $14,850 at auction, and you can get your own through various online vendors.

3. The Telsa Shield

Nikola Telsa was a genius far ahead of his time, the makers of the "Telsa Shield," weren't however. The so called "abilities" of the Telsa shield are just absurd, its laughable (protects against radiation, retards aging, increases psychic abilities, increases physical strength and stamina). Supposedly this device was inspired by Nikola and was based on his personal oscillation invention. The Telsa Shield isn't cheap however, and can cost anywhere from 100-200 bucks ( Whatever the case may be, there are some who swear it works. Maybe if the Telsa Shield vibrated, more would agree.

2. Voodoo Dolls

Not only can you play with Voodoo dolls, but the dolls can also play with you too. The Voodoo doll is used to represent the spirit of a specific person which you can perform certain rituals and spells on that would in return affect the target. Voodoo goes far beyond just sticking pins in a doll. There are a wide arrange of voodoo dolls available including spells like a voodoo weight-loss spell, breakup spell, love spell, and even ultimate revenge spells. Go to to purchase some of your own and read the testimonials.

1. UFO Detector

Over the years, many people who have encountered UFOs have also reported magnetic and electromagnetic disturbances. The UFO Detector is designed to sense these disturbances and will signal their presence by flashing an LED and beeping. This product has almost 5 stars on Amazon and many swear it is effective at detecting nearby UFOs. Overall, this seems like a pretty nifty gadget if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of otherworldly crafts. To purchase one of your own, go to (

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