Thursday, February 28, 2013


  2012 was a great was a great year for 4 element paranormal.through out the many investigations we did in 2012 i have some great personal experience, both great and not so great. my experiences range from my recorder being turned on at a cemetery in new york and getting a evp ( to put it nicely) " get out " to getting scratched on my back in midvale ,Utah. a great experience i had in new york that i had was at the same cemetery that my recorder was turned on at. me and Lindsay were conducting an evp session and we were hearing things in the woods, like something was walking. when we asked if anyone was there we got what sounded like twigs breaking. when we asked if it could do that again we got the same sound as soon as we asked. what makes this more intriguing is that at the same time we felt a cold chill for about 2 seconds and it felt like someone was standing right in front of us.upon further investigation in the woods we were able to find a unmarked grave about 20 yards inside the tree line where we heard the foot steps.

  though out my investigations in 2012 i have been " attacked "a few times. i have been scratched twice, had the feeling of being punched in the back, and woke up the day after a investigation with a bruise that was unexplainable.all 4 incidents were from 4 different investigation , at 4 different locations. the first time i was " attacked " was a private residence investigation in midvale Utah. it was about 3 hours into the investigation and the dvr system ( infra-red cameras ) turned off.  i went over to see if any connections come lose. as i got close to it , i felt what would feel like a bee sting on the lower left side of my back. after lifting my shirt up , the other investigator that was there and the clients noticed that there were three scratch marks as if i got scratched by a animal. the interesting this about this incident is after i got scratched the dvr system came back on, almost as if what ever scratched me did not want to be seen.

 at some point every paranormal investigator well tend to develop a personal or emotional connection with a location they have investigated. the location that i developed a connection with is the salt lake city and county building. no one really knows why they develop this connection, mine is for two reasons. when we investigated this location in the summer of 2012  me and a few investigators where doing a evp session on the fifth floor where the mother of 2 children that died during the construction of the building is said to haunt. i did not hear it at the time, but after reviewing the audio  i captured a evp of a women's voice asking  " can you help me  ". we got the chance to go back in Oct 2012, and what we caught and heard made my connection with that location stronger. me and a few investigators started off on the fifth floor. after about 30 minutes of not getting anything  me and  Scott heard a female disembodied  voice  in about the same area where i caught the evp in June. later on that night while Scott was taking pictures on the fifth floor he caught a photo of a child peeking out of one of the elevators, which the children that haunt this location are said to have died after falling down the elevator shaft during construction .

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


my name is Tim. i am one of the co-founders and one of the lead investigators for 4 element paranormal investigations. 4 element paranormal is a paranormal research and investigation team based in salt lake city. the purpose of this blog is a way for me to share my personal experiences that i have had during  investigations. also it is a way for me to answer any questions anyone might have about the paranormal.